Preventing and Treating Heel Injury & Pain

Preventing and Treating Heel Injury

Heel guides

It might seem like an obvious thing, but choosing the right shoes can make a huge difference when it comes to preventing heel injury. Wearing the wrong shoes or ones that don't fit properly can lead to a variety of different issues, from general discomfort and pain to more serious injuries like plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis. So, how do you know which shoe is best for your feet? Here are some tips on choosing the right shoes to help prevent heel injury:

  • Make sure they fit properly: Make sure that your shoes fit comfortably and securely on your feet without being too tight or loose. Your toes should have enough room inside the shoe so that they don't feel cramped and have plenty of space to move around.
  • Choose supportive soles: Look for shoes with thick, cushioned soles that provide adequate support for your heels and arches while still allowing them to move freely with each step you take. This helps reduce stress on your feet and keeps them from getting tired as quickly during exercise or other activities.
  • Avoid high heels: High heels may look stylish but they put excessive strain on the foot by shifting body weight onto the balls of our feet rather than evenly distributing it across our entire foot structure like flat-soled shoes would do.
  • Look for shock absorption: Shoes with cushioning materials in their midsoles are great for absorbing shock when running or playing sports as this helps reduce impact forces on our joints and muscles which could otherwise cause injury over time if not addressed correctly.
selection shoes

How to Stretch Your Feet for Better Heel Health

Do you struggle with sore, aching feet? Do you suffer from heel pain and discomfort? If so, stretching your feet may be the answer to getting better heel health. Stretching helps reduce stiffness in your lower legs, strengthens weak muscles in the foot and ankle, increases flexibility, and improves overall blood circulation. Here are some tips on how to stretch your feet for better heel health:

  • Toe Raises – Toe raises are an excellent way to stretch and strengthen the tendons of the toes. Stand up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly raise all of your toes off the ground as high as you can while keeping your heels firmly planted on the ground. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds before releasing and repeating 2-3 more times.
  • Calf Raises – Calf raises are great for strengthening calf muscles and improving ankle mobility. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Lift both heels off the ground while keeping everything else (including toes) firmly planted on the floor. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds before releasing and repeating 2-3 more times.
  • Heel Walks – Heel walks help increase blood flow to the Achilles tendon which helps reduce inflammation and discomfort around it. Start by standing up straight with one foot slightly ahead of another, then walk forward using only your heels for about 20 steps before switching legs and repeating again.
  • Ankle Rotations – Ankle rotations help improve ankle mobility which is essential for proper foot movement when walking or running . Stand upright with one foot slightly ahead of another then slowly rotate each ankle clockwise 20 times before rotating them counterclockwise 20 times. Switch legs afterwards and repeat again.

Common Myths About Heel Pain Debunked

Here is a look at some of the most common myths about heel pain debunked.

Rest Will Help with Heel Pain

It may seem logical to rest to help heal an injury, and this is true in many cases, but rest alone is not enough when it comes to treating heel pain. In fact, too much rest can actually make the condition worse as your muscles will become deconditioned due to lack of use. The best course of action for most cases of heel pain is to combine both activity modification and physical therapy exercises with rest in order to get the best results.

Orthotics Are Not Necessary for Heel Pain Treatment

Orthotics are an important part of treatment for many types of foot problems including heel pain. Orthotics provide additional cushioning and support which can help relieve pressure on the feet and reduce strain on the Achilles tendon or plantar fascia which can lead to inflammation and eventually chronic heel pain if left untreated.

Surgery Is Always Needed For Heel Pain

Surgery is rarely needed for treating most cases of heel pain unless other treatments have failed over an extended period time or there is significant damage present that requires more aggressive intervention such as nerve entrapment or structural deformity correction. In these cases surgery may be necessary, however there are many non-surgical treatments available that should always be tried first before considering surgery as an option.

Over-the-Counter Medication Can Cure Heel Pain

For milder forms of heel pain over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help reduce inflammation temporarily until other treatments take effect; however they cannot cure the underlying cause so it’s important to seek medical attention from a doctor who specializes in foot problems for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored specifically for your individual needs.

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